Sunday, February 2, 2014

10 Ways to reduce weight

Now a day everybody wants to stay healthy and fit, having a healthy lifestyle. For that everyone should keep up a diet plan including all the nutrients. Most people are conscious about what to eat or not to eat.
To stay healthy and fit, you must eat plenty of nutritious food in your diet which makes you stronger, healthier and say no to junk food. First step is to balance your food need. Take equal amount of nutrients like carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, or protein. Don't skip your meal, make you starve.
  1. Start eating fruits instead of juice: As you all know that fruits are a rich source of fibre, water content and low sugar, which are essential components of the body. On the other hand juice have high sugar and low fibre content.
  2. Eat whole grains instead of refined grains: Refined flour viz. White bread, white rice, white pasta; have high levels of calories, starch, fat, carbohydrates which help in gain weight, whereas whole grains are full of nutrients and fibre which help you to weight loss. Whole grains viz. Oatmeal, brown rice, brown bread.
  3. Replace Soda with Water: Soda has a large amount of calories as it contains pure sugar where as water helps you to save lots of calories, keeps your body hydrated and looking good.
  4. Include Vegetable salad in your meal: Vegetables salad are rich is minerals, fibre, vitamins and low calories.
  5. Skipped Cream based soup: the cream based soup has high calories whereas vegetable based soup give you minerals, vitamins.
  6. Green Tea: Green Tea help you in burning fat, calories and increase metabolic rate of the body, hence help in reducing weight and keeps you healthy.

  7. Good bye to Junk food: Try to avoid junk food viz. Chips, cold drinks, sugary food etc, they increase your calories and fat of the body, keep you unhealthy. Instead of unhealthy food eating healthy food like salad, water, or milk will help you to stay fit and healthy.
  8. Low fat milk products: avoid to eat high fat products like cheese, butter, cream and drink low-fat milk. They will help you in building strong bones by giving you protein.
  9. Drink plenty of water: water has zero calories and carbohydrates. It keeps your body hydrated and maximize your metabolism rate.
  10. Lemons: Drink lemon in a cup of warm water in the morning will help you to increase your metabolism, or you can use lemon as a flavour of your meal.

Always have your meal whether it is breakfast, lunch, or dinner with healthy food, don't skip any of them. They will keep you healthy and energetic.

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